About Us

The Want2BeFriends Movement

Want2BeFriends is more than just a catchy name! We firmly believe that as we begin to get older, one of the most important things for our well being is surrounding ourselves with people we enjoy while doing things that are entertaining, stimulating, and just plain fun. As we continue to grow, we want to ensure that our core values and goals are consistent with the content and events we put out.

Make new friendships with like minded individuals who share in the same interests

Participate in fun activities and experiences to deepen connections

Thrive in a non-judgmental environment that allows people of all backgrounds to better connect

Anthony and Tommy met on a house soccer team in 2019. After months of being on the same team and maintaining a professional soccer relationship, Tommy had the guts to ask Anthony on a man date and they immediately fell platonically in love. Since then, they have deepened their friendship based on their mutual respect and interests. Those interests are what helped inspire this movement and create a space based around meeting new people and having fun. They have orchestrated numerous events and parties and one such event led to the creation of Want2BeFriends. If you see us, come say hi!

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Anthony is an entrepreneur and business owner as well as a father to two beautiful twin daughters. His all time favorite thing to do is spend time with his girls, which is why he also took a position as their high school basketball coach. He has a true passion for making sure fun is found in even the most mundane of tasks and firmly believes you are never too old to enjoy all that life has to offer. Anthony can regularly be found at bar trivia nights, but also loves doing fun runs, going to raves, playing and watching sports, and is an expert napper.

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Tommy is a Marriage and Family Therapist whose passion is to help people become the best version of themselves. He owns his own therapy practice specializing in EMDR trauma therapy and would continue to work as a therapist even if he was spontaneously bequeathed a trust fund. Tommy loves spending time with friends and thinking up random, unorthodox activities to host with them. He thrives on new experiences, will try almost anything once, and can’t wait to travel the world. Tommy is most reliably found at raves which accounts for most of his spending habits. His last true love is for cats and those who know him can only marvel at how close he tows the line in being labeled a crazy cat man.

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